Your Source for Treatment of Rosacea and Broken Capillaries in Los Angeles
These conditions affect millions of people worldwide, often with no known cause or cure. However, you can keep symptoms under control and still enjoy having healthy skin!
Causes of Rosacea
- There is no known cause
Causes of Broken Capillaries (Spider Veins)
- Hormones
- Trauma/damage
- Sun exposure
- Aging
- Lifestyle choices
- Genetics
- Obesity
Commonly Affected Areas
- Forehead
- Cheeks
- Nose
- Legs (broken capillaries)
Rosacea Treatments
Are there different types of rosacea?
Yes, rosacea presents in 4 different types:
- ETR. One of the most common types of rosacea. Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR) exhibits redness with visible blood vessels in the face.
- Papulopustular. Frequently referred to as acne rosacea, this common type exhibits bumps similar to acne on top of the red areas.
- Rhinophyma. A less common type that causes skin thickening on the nose.
Ocular. Also uncommon, it affects the area around the eyes. This type can even affect the eyes and sight.
What causes rosacea in Los Angeles?
The reason a person might develop rosacea is unknown. Although it is believed it could be a hereditary condition, there is still no known reason for what causes the initial development of the disease.
However, certain stimuli are proven to cause and worsen flare-ups in persons suffering from rosacea. Such as:
- The presence of a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori
- The presence of a bacteria called Bacillus Oleronius
- Eating spicy food
- Eating cinnamaldehyde (an element commonly found in cinnamon), chocolate, and tomatoes
- Drinking tea and coffee
- Strong wind exposure
- UV light exposure
How does IPL Photofacial therapy work as a rosacea or broken capillary treatment?
One of the most common lasers used to treat these conditions is the IPL Photofacial laser.
This specialized laser emits a powerful light composed of a broad band of wavelengths. This light causes the blood from the broken blood vessels to coagulate, making the redness disappear as the body’s lymphatic system flushes it away. Furthermore, the IPL laser is designed to function without harming the skin or the tissues surrounding the application area.