Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles

Our Process for Your Care

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A Team Dedicated to Helping You Find the Best You

Maybe you feel like it’s your nose, or you’re not happy with that double-chin. Could be that you want better definition and muscle tone, or you want fewer wrinkles and more glow.

It doesn’t matter which “or” you’ve been noticing, because there’s more for your “or” at Younique Surgery Center and Med Spa! We make aesthetic dreams come true every day, from minor adjustments to major changes, with options for plastic surgery in Los Angeles.

The best part? Our patients head into the world feeling and looking like their best self!

The Process for Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles

Dr. Youssef and his staff have performed over 35,000 successful procedures and treatments at their 2 Younique locations. Each and every one of those successes had a process that looked something like this.


Define your aesthetic goals

You love your face, but your cheeks don’t frame your look in the best way. Or, you’ve been working out a lot, but there are some pockets of fat that just will not go away! Or, you’ve noticed more lines and wrinkles lately, and those don’t match how you feel inside.

In other words: There’s something you want to do to look better, and you want to feel better about how you look. Even if you’re not sure, we’ve got your back—and your front, and your sides too!


consultation with Younique

We need to talk! Contact us, and let’s have a fun one-on-one about that something you want to do. During this energizing discussion, we’ll talk about your goals, your medical history, and what Younique could possibly do for you. You might discover ways to achieve goals you never knew were possible. You might also find out what you thought was a problem wasn’t a problem at all.

The most important part: you are listened to. You are heard. And because we understand you, we’ll help you on your journey in any way we can.


Start your journey

Once we’ve gotten to know your history, your hopes, and your situation, we’re going to design an aesthetic plan to achieve your goals—and line up your appointments. Dreams don’t come true without action. We’ll help bring your hopes to life with the appropriate nonsurgical or surgical treatments, and we’ll deliver compassionate care that’s dedicated to you and your treatment.


Post-Treatment Relationship

When you become a patient at Younique Surgery Center and Med Spa, you’re not just a client—you’re a member of our family! We’re here to continue answering questions, to ask you how your progress is going, and to help you keep looking your best. We support you 100%, and we love sharing in your victories. Yes, we’re professional doctors, nurses, and practitioners, but we’re also your biggest cheerleaders and your aesthetic confidants who love seeing you succeed.

It’s your journey, and we’re honored to be allowed to share it with you!

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